Dermatology Services
Dermatology is a medical specialty that focuses on the care of skin, scalp, hair and nails. Aspects of treatment can range from guidance on how to keep normal skin healthy and cosmetics services to deal with unwanted lines and wrinkles, to diagnosis and medical procedures for skin diseases.
Common skin disorders include:
- Acne
- Cold sores
- Cysts
- Dermatitis
- Eczema
- Fungal infections
- Lesions
- Psoriasis
- Skin cancer
- Warts
Many of us are bothered by irregular pigmentation, scars, wrinkles, deep lines or sun-damaged skin. Skin surface irregularities can result from chronic exposure to sun or artificial ultraviolet light sources, disease (particularly severe acne and skin cancer), use of various medications or as part of the aging process. When these characteristics appear, they can be especially troublesome and can detract from our appearance and sense of well-being.
Recent advances in medical technology have created new, effective treatments to improve and remove unsightly facial characteristics.
Many people are interested in refining the appearance of their skin but are uncertain how to proceed. The board-certified dermatologists and professional staff at Facey Medical Group can guide you through available treatments to find what's best for you.
Renova® is an FDA approved emollient cream form of Retin-A®. Renova is particularly effective at treating sun-damaged skin and pigment irregularities when used together with other topical preparations, particularly hydroquinone, kojic acid and other "bleaching" preparations. The benefit of combined regimens is not only cosmetic, but medical: fine lines soften as the likelihood of developing future skin cancers decreases. If necessary, these medications can be prescribed when you meet with Dr. Goldman.
All product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Information from the manufacturer can be obtained by clicking the blue links above.
We all have benign growths on are skin that can be bothersome cosmetically. Many of these lesions can be simply frozen off with liquid nitrogen. Alternatively and depending on the nature of the skin growth, using local anesthetic, Dr. Goldman can treat the lesions with a heated needle, shave them off, remove them as elliptical wedges followed with suture placement or if they are narrow based skin tags, snip them off with scissors.
These are low risk procedures. Risks associated with these procedures can include mild discomfort, bleeding after treatment, a small risk of wound infection, reappearance of the skin lesion or scarring.
Before undergoing lesion removal treatments, an optimal result with minimal bruising is best obtained by avoiding blood thinners 14 days prior to your procedure.
Skin fillers are used to treat deeper lines around our mouth and can also be used to stimulate collagen formation on various regions of our face, which can create a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Those fillers now available at our clinic include Restylane®, Radiesse®, Cosmoderm® and Cosmoplast®. Each filler has unique properties suitable for various unwanted facial lines.
Dr. Goldman will discuss the various benefits of each of these fillers with you and help to determine what might work best for you.
Before undergoing skin filler treatments, an optimal result with minimal bruising is best obtained by avoiding blood thinners 14 days prior to your procedure.
Botox® injections can reverse the appearance of "frown lines," "crow's feet" or other wrinkles and lines that result from repeated muscle movements. Botox is a natural chemical agent that can be used to eliminate these lines and enhance facial appearance.
Botox treatments consist of simple in-office injections that inactivate specific facial muscles that create particular wrinkles. Injections usually need to be repeated every four to six months.
Before undergoing Botox treatments, an optimal result with minimal bruising is best obtained by avoiding blood thinners 14 days prior to your procedure. Read instructions about blood thinners.
All product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Information from the manufacturer can be obtained by clicking the blue links above.
Facial rejuvenation procedures are not covered by insurance companies and we accept cash or credit card only for these services. A written estimate will be provided prior to your treatment.
The fee for your initial consultation is $100.
Before your consultation, read, sign and present any applicable forms prior to your procedure:
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